After a house, a car is perhaps the most expensive single purchase that the average person will buy. Cars cost a lot of money to run, and if they break down then it can be both expensive and inconvenient. Taking good care of your car will make it last longer, and help you to avoid common breakdowns and failures. Here is a quick car maintenance checklist that will help you to keep your car in tip-top condition.
The Battery
You should replace your battery every four years, or more often if you live in a climate that experiences harsh winters, because batteries are susceptible to weather damage. In between changes make sure that you keep the terminals on your battery clean and that you monitor the charge levels regularly.
Spark Plugs
Damaged or worn spark plugs are perhaps the most common cause of poor car mileage, and can also cause your car to fail to start. Most spark plugs have a mileage recommendation on them, but even if your car does not get driven often you should still change the spark plugs regularly. Inspect them after 50,000km, and change them if they look worn or damaged.
Oil and Other Fluids
Most people know that they should change their oil regularly, but when was the last time you checked the brake and hydraulic fluid, or the fluid in your radiator? Check your hydraulic fluid at the same time as you change your oil, and check your radiators and coolant fluid every 40,000km or once every two years. If the coolant needs topped up, make sure that you use the right type of coolant, and mix it with the right amount of water.
Worn tyres can impair your mileage, and they can also be very dangerous. Check your tyres every time you wash your car, and if you notice uneven wear take your car to the garage (because this can be a sign of a problem with the vehicle). If the tyres are too soft, inflate them. If the tread is too thin, replace the tyres. In addition, replace your tyres every 6-8 years because the rubber can start to degrade after that time.
If you have a fuel-injected car, then you should check your fuel filter every 40,000km. A clogged fuel filter will make your car perform poorly, and if the build up becomes very bad it could end up allowing impurities through into your injectors, requiring expensive repairs.
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