Checking your car’s oil is one of the most basic and important parts of car maintenance. Low or dirty oil can cause damage to even the toughest of engines, so you should check the oil of every car you own at least once a month, if not more frequently. The method of oil-checking most recommended by grizzled mechanics is as follows:
First, locate your car’s oil supply under the bonnet. If you can’t find the oil, consult the owner’s manual for your specific make and model of car. If you can’t open the bonnet because you don’t know how its mechanism functions, again consult the owner’s manual. If you can’t open the bonnet due to physical inability, find a strapping young fellow to get you started.
Make sure the car has not been turned on for at least an hour, or you run a risk of painful burns and singes.
Pull out the oil dipstick and wipe it on a piece of cloth which does not have high value. Then insert the dipstick again all the way down as far as it goes before pulling it out again. Observe the level of oil on the stick. If there are at least two inches of oil present, and if the oil is of a translucent, colourless appearance a pleasingly slimy consistency, then everything is fine. Check again next month!
However, if there are less than two inches of oil, or if the oil is dark with dirt, grime, and/or filth, you’re going to need an oil change. This is where the grizzled mechanic from earlier comes in – bring your car or other moving motorised vehicle to an authorised oil-changing location, and have your oil changed posthaste. Driving with dirty oil is asking for tragedy. I had a cousin that we gave a used car of ours to – he had no idea that you had to change oil, and drove the car until it seized up in the middle of a highway. That poor Jeep! It deserved better than to be run into the ground in such a way.
Alternatively, you can try adding oil yourself. There should be a large cap somewhere on your engine, labeled “OIL”. You can probably figure out for yourself what goes in there. Be sure to purchase a type of oil that is appropriate to your motoring needs!
Bring your car into TRS Auto Repairs and our mechanic will take care of the engine oil for you during your car service.
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