The oil in your car should be checked at least once per month, just to be sure that there is enough oil in the car and that it is not dirty. Having oil in the car reduces the friction of the moving parts in the engine and keeps it running efficiently. If the oil is not clear, looks dirty, or smells like fuel, then it is time to get it changed.
You should wait until the engine has quit running and is cold. Wait at least 10 minutes after the engine quits running before you check the oil. Pull out the dipstick and look at the film of oil at the end of the stick. There is a marker on the dipstick that indicates the optimum height of the oil on the stick, so if it is low, you can add oil, or have it changed.
Oil in an engine can turn dark fairly quickly, so don’t let that make your decision totally as to whether to change it. Take a little bit of oil and rub it between your fingers. If its gritty, then it needs to be changed, but if it is smooth to the feel, then it does not need to be changed.
If you find that your oil shows that there is less each time you check it, either your engine is burning too much oil, or you may have an oil leak from a bad gasket in the pan or somewhere in the engine.
Another marker for when to change your car’s engine oil is the amount of mileage that it has been driven. It is a kind of rule of thumb to change your engine oil every 6,000kms. That is a good rule of thumb to follow, because oil is not that expensive, and by changing it frequently you ensure the continued well being of your engine.
There is synthetic oil on the marketplace that can go longer without being changed, and you should adhere to the standards that are recommended by the manufacturer on that.
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